Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lesson 3: What is a Bread Machine?

Baking has been around for a very long time. I mean a very long time. That being said, the world of baking has made some great advances making it not only easier for the average Joe to do, but also making it more accessible for more people. One of the greatest inventions in the history of baking, in my opinion, is the bread machine.

Bread machines are basically a one step process for making any sort of bread, without really having to do it with your own hands. I mean, I love baking and everything that goes with it, but I do have a life outside of the kitchen. Bread machines are literally a machine, that has a bucket/baking pan, a kneading paddle, heating/baking element, and several different programs. You can choose which program you want based on what kind of bread or dough you would like to make.

As with any aspect of baking, there are specific rules to using bread machines. The order of the ingredients that you put into the bread machine is critical, it should go a little something like this:

  1. Liquids (water, butter, etc.)
  2. Flour
  3. Sugar, Salt, other seasonings
  4. Always always always add the yeast last. 

The programs will vary in baking, kneading, and resting time based on what program you have selected. Also there is the convenience of choosing the kind of crust color you would like and what size loaf you would like. 

Great video!

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