Saturday, November 5, 2011

Portfolio # 8

Through the field of Psychology, we are taught that we influence the environment and that the environment influences us. The environment has an effect on us in its restorative value. According to the article "A Place Just Right: Effects of Place Attachment on Preference for Restorative Environment", restorative environments supply "the process of recovery that follows stress or fatigue, involving an enhancement of mood, a renewed capacity for directed attention, and possible self-reflection" (source).

In this particular study, researchers examined whether natural environments were useful for the restoration process of all individuals, no matter what living background they have been accustomed to. There are key defining elements in determining whether or not an environment is restorative and are as followed "A peaceful fascination (natural curiosity or interest without the necessity of suppressing distracting stimuli) that allows for personal reflection; a sense of being away (from one's normal setting, routine activities, and unwanted distractions); extent/ coherence (large enough scope to have a range of elements for the mind to explore and that exist as part of a larger whole that one can make sense of in terms of organization and structure); and compatibility (opportunities to meet and individual's preferences and purposes." (source)

The results of this study found that participants rated rural images the highest across all conditions, meaning that individuals with different backgrounds and living arrangements found environments with the most nature to be the most restorative. Researchers who conducted the study also took into effect the fact that some individuals just have a preference for more nature when it comes to a restorative environment.

Nevertheless, human beings have a drive to be a part of nature. We have a drive to be outdoors and soak up the fresh air and sunshine. It is healthy for human beings to take the time to enjoy the natural settings around us.

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